Parking Solutions

A brief technical description of the leading products on the market is outlined on this page. Select the product you are interested in from the pop-down menu below...



The automatic parker is the system with the highest degree of user comfort and protection against theft and vandalism. All parking spaces are accessible via one single entry box.Once you park your vehicle there, its diemsions are measured electronically. Then, as soon as you leave the box, the system automatically moves the vehicle to suitable parking space. The Klaus SPS sustem guarnatees the highest possible safety due to fully automatic system control and monitoring. Since there are no ramps or lanes reuiqred with Automatic Parker , it is the best solution wherever you need to store a maximum number of vehicles or minimum available space. Additional features are easy operation and maintence, and, most importantly, the remarkably high adaptability to the individual garage planning project and to options regarding various possible maximum vehicle heights. The Automatic Parker meets the highest possible demands and fulfils every customer's wish. You can also use it for short-term parking or public car parks with cashier system.

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S K Y - P A R K - S Y S T E M S

Unique benefits for users and operators
Sky Park is a wholly automatic multi-storey car park that offers unique benefits, for both users and operators. Sky Park is based on a simple, highly reliable technology that has been proven in real world systems for mechanical handling and document retrieval. It includes 100% redundant process controls and a backup generator.

The cost per parking slot is lower in a Sky Park, as it typically requires less building volume and less ground area than a conventional facility with the same capacity. The construction is relatively simple, comprising a steel framework with cladding that can be selected to match the local environment.

Operating cost is lower than for a conventional car park, since Sky Park requires less energy to run. For example there is no need for an energy intensive ventilating system, since cars are not driven inside a Sky Park.

Sky Park is user friendly. The driver leaves the car in an entrance module. It is then transported to a parking slot by a robot trolley. For the driver, the process of parking is reduced to leaving the car inside an entrance module. No ramps or tight corners to negotiate, no reversing into narrow parking spaces. For disabled drivers, the advantages are obvious.

The inside of a Sky Park is totally unmanned. The driver may access a car by showing a ticket, but access is denied to unauthorised persons. Cars are thus protected from theft and/or damage, and drivers are protected as well. It is just as easy to pick up the car as it is to leave it. The driver puts his/her parking ticket into the machine and after a short time the car appears in the exit module.

Cars are thus protected from theft and/or damage, and drivers are protected as well. It is just as easy to pick up the car as it is to leave it. The driver puts his/her parking ticket into the machine and after a short time the car appears in the exit module. If a driver loses a ticket the car can be retrieved by stating the vehicle registration and presenting valid identification.

At peak periods a short wait may be involved before entering or leaving. Despite this experience shows that retrieval of vehicles is still faster than that of conventional car parks. For more information contact Parking Solutions C.I.

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T R E V I P A R K - S Y S T E M S

A cost effective solution
Trevipark offers cost effective fully automatic, unmanned underground or over-ground car parking solutions, particularly for tight sites in urban areas where space is at a premium. The car park is fully computer controlled from within the silopark, requiring no permanent operatives or attendants and conforms fully to ISO 9001/2 standards. Vehicles are parked at street level, with nobody entering the silo. Once parked, the vehicles, which can either be cars or light vans, are totally safe, being both vandal-proof and secure from theft or damage.

Free or payment-based
Operation can be free or payment-based if applicable and can be effected by way of credit card, dedicated card or cash. Whilst Treviparks come in all shapes and sizes to suit a particular site, a standard silo will accommodate 72 vehicles in an area measuring 21m3; the car park can be built over on completion. The entry and exit positions are normally separate, where space will allow, but if there is not sufficient space, the entry and exit
positions can be combined.

The TREVIPARK system can be designed to operate above and below ground, or in existing basements using the same technology, to get the most out of any space available. Whether redeveloping or refurbishing, a Trevipark enables a site or an existing building to conform to parking requirements. As far as we are aware, Trevipark offers the only system in the world where it is possible to park up to 108 cars in 441m3 (ground surface area).

Turnkey prejects
Turnkey projects are available to turn existing single level or multi-storey parking areas into full-automated high density TREVIPARKS. Therefore, currently unusable areas of land such as courtyards, traffic islands and sensitive public amenity areas can be brought into use, with the car being kept safe and secure, out of public view until required. As the park is unmanned, there are no ground attendants to be accommodated.

The TREVIPARK is remotely operated and monitored by remote-control cameras, movement sensors and telephonic link to a centralised control centre that provides assistance only if an emergency happens. Security, safety and fire control being monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days per year by trained personnel (which can be operated by Trevipark, or internally by a company or operators own staff).

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